Guess what?? I'm in school. Right now. This very second. I feel secretive and cool.
Though I assume the feeling would be more complete if I was in class and not flex time.
I quite enjoy the freedom that flex has brought me this year. In place of last year, when not immediately going to the movie brought the experience of awkwardly sitting alone in a classroom, I have no obligation to go to any particular activity. I wish I had discovered this sooner.
Have you ever seen the Pleasant Grove Promenade at night? It's just as spectacular as it is during the day, only more so. The pretty twinkling lights that some have brought for their trade light up enchantingly, and munching on fresh made pizza while you finish Mockingjay makes you feel complete.
Shakespeare makes me happy. Though the rehearsal times aren't cohesive with Olivia's, I now have a purpose, something to look forward to in October, besides of course Halloween.
Oh the joy and relaxation the weekend brings. It makes me feel many things. One of which, is optimism.
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