Thursday, January 20, 2011

day 3: how much time do you have?

I miss many things, most of them from my childhood, many of them from my 'Big House'.
The one that was the favorite of everyone in my family. We have favorites because for quite a few years of my life weren't very settled. But enough of that.

I miss my 'Big House'.
We all had our own room, a large kitchen with a buffet, and really big stairs.
Alas I was a youngin' and can't recall much else.

But it was a simpler time. For some reason there was more family, more value, and more fun to be had. We had greater imaginations because we were forced to, and our flower garden was nothing to sneeze at.

It was there we hatched out first baby chicks and built a red coop. After school I cut through the neighbors yard to climb the fence and come through our field-like back yard. Climbing from the roof of that coop made me feel like a spy, and I had the scrapes on my belly to prove it.

Our action figures had grand adventures in that garden where lavenders were debutauntes and dragon snaps were snippy.

Water fights on the trampoline.

Cops n' Robbers in the monster truck tire sandbox.

When I could climb in bed with Mom and Dad.

Boys didn't matter.
School wasn't dominate.
Rumors didn't exist.
Family members didn't move out.
No one did anything wrong. Nothing bad happened.

It seemed like it would be like that forever...

1 comment:

Olivia Petty said...

very impressed.
really you are becoming a lovely writer mary.

I is proud.
it makes me want to do a post about my childhood and conveniently include all of the asthetic-worded parts.