Monday, November 1, 2010

This is going to be an awkard term...

Teen Living wins.

Today we had an enlightening discussion about what the opposite gender does that infuriates us. With my short attention span, I forget what the female population of my class wrote, but here are some with my own peeves added.

  • The head nod. What? Are you having a mini seizure in your neck?
  • One word responses. We pour our heart out to you via text message or note, and all we get is, 'k'. I despise that letter.
  • Indecision.
  • When flabby boys take off their shirt. If you have a Taylor Launter body, feel free. But if not, you just keep that on.
  • Immaturity, but really, there's only so much we can ask for.
And because I'm lazy, I won't elaborate anymore. Feel free to post your pet peeves in the potential insults box.

We had a great debate in class, and it was quite funny. And then she tells us we are soon entering into the sexual/dating curriculum. Despite the awkwardness that is sure to ensue, this is what I took Teen Living for.


brittney said...

boy pet peeve: the fact that they flat out just don't get it.
for example, they don't get how a one word response hurts so much.
and teen living, next semester i can't wait.
(i too took it for the awkward pleasure it should bring)

Mary said...

AH! *delight*
Britney reads my blog!